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Английский перевод "Катти Сарк"

omeaeol: Здравствуйте, Извините за мой плохой русский (я перевожу текст с английского на Google Translate). Я большой admier Иван Ефремов и собиратель его работ (те, которые были переведены на английский и венгерский - Я знаю немного русский). Ищу перевод на английский язык "Катти Сарк". Как Ефремов писал в предисловии к новой редакции рассказа, она была опубликована в Англии на английском языке (предположительный в 1946 году). Кто-нибудь знает название книги или журнала, в котором она была опубликована в Англии (и точная дата публикации)? Я ищу этот английский перевод в течение многих лет, но тщетно. Большое спасибо.

Ответов - 13

A.K.: Dear omeaeol, I have asked Taisia Iosifovna, Efremov's wife. She said - it seems that the first ("North-American") version of the story was published in England in some limited magazine. She is not sure that the revised version (after 1958) was published in English. Unfortunately, it is all what we have succeeded to know at present. Taisia Iosifovna also will look in the Efremov's bibliography.

omeaeol: Dear A.K. Thank you very much for your prompt response (and for responding in English :) It is very kind of you and Taisia Iosifovna that you are looking into this matter. (For years I have been trying to find this piece of information, in vain.) I aim to collect all of Ivan Efremov's writings that have been translated in to English (and my native language, Hungarian). I admire Efremov's scientific and literary works, his philosophy and his view of our future. I wish to establish a complete (personal) archive of Efremov's works that have been published in English and Hungarian. Also, I promote him and his works whenever it is possible (and even my artistic activities - I compose Space Art and Utopian images - have been heavily influenced by Efremov). Once again, I appreciate your kind cooperation, and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please, forward my warmest regards and best wishes to Taisia Iosifovna. P.s.: Could I list here the English-translated material I collected so far? I mean, in this case you could see if I am missing some of the other Efremov's writings as well. If it was too much trouble, I would understand it - I am very grateful for checking 'Cutty Sark' in the first place. Please let me know anyway. Thanks a lot.

A.K.: omeaeol wrote: Could I list here the English-translated material I collected so far? Of course, it will be very interesting! And could you also share some links to your space art? Please, forward my warmest regards and best wishes to Taisia Iosifovna. Certainly, I'll do it. With kind regards, Andrey

omeaeol: Thank you Andrey, I will share the list of my Efremov-related materials that I have in English as soon as I finish putting it together. Here is a link to my web-site featuring the pictures I composed so far. (I am presently working on further Utopian compositions.) From my web-site, you could also go to my Facebook page and my blog (where there is an entry about Ivan Efremov as well). http://brightplanetart.com/ Best wishes, Pal

A.K.: Pal, thank you! Your symbolism - Male and Female, Earth, Universe and Time - is close to me. I've shared your link in the thematic section.

omeaeol: Dear Andrey, Have you heard anything about that Cutty Sark English translation, please? Also, do you know where I could get a photocopy (or even better, original copies) of the Pionerskaya Pravda issues in which excerpts from Efremov's Tuamnnost' Andromedy were first published? By the way, I have a fascinating early version of Tumannost' Andromedy - translated into Hungarian and published in seven booklets (39-33 pages each) in Romania in 1957/58 - that is fundamentally different from the book. I wonder where this translation has come from. Since it seems to be different from the version published in Tekhnika Molodezhi in 1957 as well, I am suspecting that it may have been originated to the above mentioned Pionirskaya Pravda issues. Do you have any information about such early version(s) of Andromeda Nebula? Thank you, Pal

makcum: Нада учить английский...

A.K.: Dear Pal, you wrote: Have you heard anything about that Cutty Sark English translation, please? You mean this my message:Taisia Iosifovna also will look in the Efremov's bibliography - don't you? No, unfortunately she haven't found any more information. It seems that the story was published in England only in some limited magazine. As I know, some fragments of the novel was published in "Pionerskaya Pravda", issues of March, 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 29, April, 2, 5, 9, 23 and May, 4 of 1957. I would suppose that the difference you mention is due to editors of the Hungarian edition. I will try to find out more information.

A.K.: Друзья, Пэл говорит, что перевод на венгерский язык "Туманности Андромеды", напечатанный в Румынии в 1957/58 гг., сильно отличается от оригинала. Пэл подозревает, что, м.б., это издание переводили с фрагментов ТА, опубликованных в "Пионерской правде" (в 1957, номера за март-апрель и начало мая). Но я подозреваю, что отличия могли возникнуть в результате редактуры венгерского издания.

Мечтатель21: Я как-то искал сведения о сербскохорватском переводе "Туманности" (для своих знакомых в Сербии). Самого текста не нашел, но на каком-то местном форуме фантастики наткнулся на обсуждение единственного издания ТуА на этом языке, вышедшего, если правильно помню, в 1960 году. Там высказывалось недовольство тем, что перевод тоже не включал целых частей книги.

omeaeol: Thank you Andrey for the (discouraging) update on the English translation of Cutty Sark. As for the mentioned early Hungarian translation of 'Tumannost Androemda', the text very significantly differs from the book at places. For example, the plot takes not 3, but 7 thousand years ahead in the future, and there are different names/characters as well. One of the major differences is the thinly veiled, but otherwise quite harsh criticism of Stalinism. All in all, this text clearly seems to be an early version of the novel (Efremov wrote that, in the process of writing Andromeda Nebula, he brought the time of the plot much closer to the present in the light of the launch of Sputnik 1). Also, it may have been a per-censored version (as Veda Kong's presentation on history - which is also very much different from that of the book - is much more straightforward than anything in the subsequent Hours of the Bull (which would be banned for decades).

omeaeol: A.K. Dear Andrey, May I ask you to kindly send an e-mail to me, please? I would like to ask something that would not be a concern of this blog. You can find my e-mail address(es) on my website(s). Thanks a lot, Pal

A.K.: OK

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